Jun 29Liked by Healing + Dealing

I can’t thank you enough for putting this dialogue out there. I’m a little less than a year beyond treatment and just starting to wrap my head around the idea of survivorship… complicated by intense survivor’s guilt following my best friend’s death from breast cancer 2 months ago. She was the person I turned to consistently throughout my journey while she was going through her recurrence nightmare. Listening to you speak of the complexities is helping me so much to step into a new place and begin to embrace survivorship (infinitely more challenging than I would have ever anticipated). Thank you ❤️🙏🏼

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Oh Lisa, thank YOU for being here, and sharing. It means so very much. ❤️ So sorry to hear about your friend, truly unimaginable. That we could be of any support is deeply heartening. ❤️ Isn't survivorship a mind fuck? It seems to be the unspoken difficulty that gets glossed over bc yes, of course, we are alive - what a gift(but also - a challenge)! Thanks for your patience with our response here too - still learning. XO

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